Pa janm vide ak gode vid, rive pran dokiman paw la, antre nan store la epi chwazi pa'w

Empowering Haitian Communities-

Nap Kore kominote Ayisyèn lan.

Transforming mental health and education through innovative, culturally-informed support for Haiti's future. N'ap transfòme Sante Mantal ak Edikasyon atravè sipò inovatè ki baze sou kilti pou avni Ayiti.

Rated 5 stars by clients.


Empowering Minds, Transforming Futures-

Nap Kore lespri, Pou ansanm nou ka transfòme Lavni.

Geri Ak Devlope is dedicated to providing trauma-informed mental health and educational support tailored to the unique needs of the Haitian community.-

Geri ak Devlope devwe pou l bay sipò sante mantal ak edikasyon ki baze sou twoma, espesyalman ki adapte ak bezwen inik kominote ayisyèn lan.

Inspiring change through education and support. Nou ka enspire chanjman atravè edikasyon ak sipò.

Community Leader


Our Services-Sèvis nou yo

Providing trauma-informed mental health and educational support tailored to Haiti's unique needs.-

Nou bay Sipò sante mantal sou twoma ( chòk) ak sipò edikasyonèl ki aplikab nan yon fason inik pou pèp ayisyèn lan.

Mental Health Support- Sipò sante mantal

Compassionate care for emotional well-being and resilience building in communities.-Swen ak konpasyon pou byennèt emosyonèl ki ranfòse rezilyans nan kominote yo.

Educational Resources-Resous Edikasyonèl

Innovative tools and programs designed to enhance learning and personal development. Zouti ak program inovatris ki fèt pou amelyore aprantisaj ak devlopman pèsonèl.

Empowering communities through culturally relevant mental health and education initiatives.- Sipò kominotè atravè sante mantal ak edikasyon ki rasine nan kilti an.

Community Engagement- Angajman kominotè


Pou Ayiti geri.

Contact Us

Reach out for support, partnerships, or inquiries about our mental health and educational services.